Friday, July 30, 2010

Beautiful music video to listen to "Amazing Grace."

Rhema Marvanne - 'Amazing Grace' REVISED 6/11 from Black Olive on Vimeo.

You've got to hear this little girl sing!!!

Rhema Marvanne was born 9/15/02. She lost her mother, Wendi Marvanne Voraritskul, to ovarian cancer on November 8, 2008. Rhema lives in Carrollton, TX and attends The Branch Church (Vista Ridge Campus).

This video was done in Texas around McKinney & Dallas where she lives.

Her mother had died just a few months before she got to put this together.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Five air-conditioning myths busted

How many times have you wondered if turning your air-conditioner off while you were gone was good or not. Or if you should set it to a different setting for a bit? I know I wonder about these things from time to time. I keep wondering if what I am doing is helping or hurting my Utility bill. Well this article seems to put some of my answers to rest. So it might be of some help to you to.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Churchgoers opting for simpler houses of worship

This is what we did over 5yrs. ago. We had went to a number of churches but just couldn't find one that made us feel right. Where two or more people are gathered in his name, there he will be. We find that our calling is the street more than in doors though. We are constantly meeting people in stores, restaurants, the post office and even garage sales.
We have found the simplest way of getting a conversation going is when someone asks how are you doing, is to answer "I am BLESSED." That is sure to get the conversation going in one direction or another. A person will eagerly tell you their story if only you"ll listen. What's to say that 10-15 minute conversation won't change a person's whole day around and you may never know it. It will have been a seed you planted. When we plant them we don't always get to see them grow. That person may have been contemplating to do harm to themselves but because of the way you greeted them you changed their whole outlook on life.

Now go to this story and enjoy.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have a few photos I don't know what to do with

I got these about 15yrs ago and have kept them. I don't know if I should try to get a hold of say the Antiques Road Show and see if they are worth anything. Or maybe a Museum.
I know the one has General Douglas MacArthur in it. It says it on the back. I'm just not sure what war it was from. The pictures make it all so real. I know you see it on TV and all but to see it in pictures is a different thing. So sad. To think about the person that took these and lived it. To smell the smells, how awful.

Boney M.- Rivers Of Babylon

I enjoyed this and thought you might also.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How many times a day do you say this?

Matthew 6:9

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Luke 11:2

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

Give us day by day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

I find that the more I say this the more I forget about my woes and the Lord guides me through my day. My woes are less and taken care of as each day goes by. The more I give up to the Lord the less I worry about myself. Our bills get paid, even though they are more than we have coming in.

For example:
2 months ago we had the transmission go out on our van. That cost $1500 for which we knew not where the money would come but the Lord provided. Then the water heater went out. We went 2 weeks without water before we could get it fixed but the Lord provided. Mind you we didn't rant and rave during that time, just waited and knew the Lord would come through like he always does. We have FAITH that he will never let us down.

Then the air conditioning went in the van. Had to take it in twice before it was fixed. The Lord provided the money to fix it.
Living on minimum wage doesn't provide for much money to be saved in the bank. So we always say our savings is the in Lord. A lot of people hearing that will say there is no way you can live like that. But those are the people with no FAITH. Well we are here to tell you other wise. With the Lord on your side you can do anything.

Your donations

From your donations and generosity we have been able to provide many with Bibles as of late. To see their faces when they receive a Bible is such joy. They are so eager to be able to read the Lord's word. I don't know who gets a bigger joy, them or us. To listen when they tell us of what lead them to where they are now in their lives. For them to realize that the Lord had always been there but they never paid attention until now. Like their eyes have just now been opened. Which is so true.
To be able to tell them that their lives have just begun and the best is yet to come. To know that we have them as a brother or sister now is such a thrill. That we will see them in heaven. It puts such a feeling in our hearts. Such a glow.

We can only accomplish this and the giving of the Care Packages & Food from your donations. Which you have been so generous with and I hope you continue. We enjoy doing the Lord's work and with your loving kindness we can continue to.
We do as much as we can to provide everything ourselves but our finances only go so far. That is why we appreciate your blessings. As Christians we are a strong family that helps each other. We do not judge and begrudge anyone.
The Lord says if you have 2 coats and you see someone has none then give him one. We gladly give anything we have that we know someone else can use.
We are so glad you/our friends feel the same way and show it with your donations.

Friday, July 16, 2010

How to Measure for Bra-Video

I don't know about you but I for one have a hard time trying to figure out what size I wear. It's much like clothing, they differ from one manufacture to another. I needed some new bras and I went and bought some. But when I got them home they were too big. They were my size mind you but too big. So I had to take them back. So I asked the store if they could order that style in a smaller size. I was promptly told "NO". That size was not sold much so they couldn't order it for me. So I was left to go on a search for a bra that I would like that would fit me. So after much a do and an hour later I did walk away with 3 bras. I never thought I would spend so much time ever looking for a bra. All I wanted was a bra that hooked in the front. How hard could that be to get? Apparently pretty hard! Especially since I ended up not getting what I wanted.

Tender Cooker- Pressure Cooker Recipes

I have to say -- this is one of the best deals I have gotten lately. I fixed a Pot Roast tonight for supper and it only took 20 minutes in the microwave to make it in this. I was very happy with the way everything turned out. So tender and juicy. Potatoes and carrots done just right. Plus clean up was so easy.
This was the best $2.06 I've spent.
But I would not spend the $60 to buy it in the store. That's way over my budget.
If anyone ever comes across one of these or has one, here is a place to go for recipes. You can join here and get recipes sent to you or just search for the ones you might want.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Arthritis and Chronic Pain relief system free if on Medicare (or little cost)

Fill Out This Simple Form to Learn What Pain Management Therapy Can Do For You.

I read a story about razors,

where men were stock piling them so that when they went out of style they wouldn't have to worry about not having them. Most men said that they liked the old double edged razors as apposed to the new fang dangled 3 or 4 bladed razors.

Well I have to say as far as myself goes, I prefer the simple 2 blades but there are a few of the 3 bladed razors that work well. There is nothing worse than cutting your leg. Especially behind the knee.

What kind of razor does your better half prefer or you for that matter??????

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sorry I haven't been on for a few days

But I got a deal on this Tender Cooker at the Salvation Army Store last week for $2.06 and I decided to google for some recipes for it. WELL, I guess that was a BAD idea. When I did and I put in "Nordic Ware Tender Cooker Recipes" and I clicked on a site that had recipes and it took me to a page and it started opening up and all of a sudden I get this BIG "Security Tool" warning that says a virus is trying to take over my computer and steal my passwords and credit card information I have on my computer plus has put 28 other virus' on my computer.
OH BOY! Right off the bat I know it's not one of my programs alerting me. So I shut down my computer. But when I start it up again it is right there telling me the same thing. Plus it won't let me get logged onto my computer. So I had to take my computer into Staples and pay $129 to have them clear this thing off my computer.
They were familiar with it. Said it started showing up about 3 months ago. It can come from anything, a site or even a recorded CD or DVD and stays dormant for a bit then all of a sudden pops up.

Well while my laptop was getting fixed I had my other one to use. So I did a dumb thing and did a search again for recipes. You guessed it. BUT this time my AVAST on this computer caught it and deleted it. So you can bet after I got my laptop back today the first thing I did was install AVAST on it.
I was only running AVG on it.
Alex at Staples said that he runs Avast and Malwarebytes on his and has had no problems.
They are both FREE programs. You can go to cnet to find all sorts of free programs and they give reviews. He also told me to add an add-on for my Firefox called WOT a Browsing Tool. Since I use Firefox for my browser. So you can bet I am doing as he says. He really helped me and put my mind to rest when I went in to pick up my laptop today.

By the way if anyone has a Tender Cooker and has any recipes for it could you send them my way????

Friday, July 9, 2010

ConvaTec Aloe Vesta 3-n-1 Cleansing Foam 8 oz

I don't usually rave about a product but I happen to pick this up at a garage sale for a quarter. Tried it and then searched it on the net and found that I really got my monies worth. This would be great for camping, or someone who is sick and can't bathe fully. Or to carry in the car to keep the kids clean. Since it is a foam it goes a long ways.

The Aloe Vesta 3-n-1 Cleansing Foam is a no-rinse cleanser for all-over body, hair and perineum. Its no-rinse formula is pH balanced and enriched with aloe and emollients designed to leave skin feeling clean and fresh. One product for total body cleansing that is extra-gentle and ready to use.

It sells for $9.57 plus right now you can get 20% off with the gift certificate code "july2010" at checkout by Friday at midnight. Shipping is only $1.99.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

He ain't heavy- he's my brother!

When you can't find a soft pillow just use your brother.
These guys have been like 2 peas in a pod every since we brought Aguila home (the brown one). I just had to share this with you. I just took this as they are sleeping at the other end of the couch from me right now as I am on the computer.
I do love my babies, they give us such joy.

The Lord always provides.

We have been looking for a bigger cage to put all 3 of our babies into, rather than the 2 cages that we have. Well today while going to garage sales, we found a BIG one. We know it was the Lord as he always provides what we need. Plus the price was the perfect fit, only $10. A little scrubbing and some bedding and we now have a front room with a BIG cage in it. I put the pillow in that I had made for them and a goose comforter I found at the Salvation Army Store today and they seem to be happy with their new home.

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence slip

Thursday, July 1, 2010