Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm still here.....

How have I been?
Well let me tell ya. We moved. Love it. Enjoying the space and neighbors. The fur babies are a lot less stressed.

Been doing a few fixing to the new place. Had to replace the nozzles for the washer, that they hook up to as they leaked. Had to do some re-wiring to get some lighting to work and some plumbing done. But we are good to go now. Just need to get a queen box spring to get thee one bedroom put together. Have to finish my sewing room/computer room. I haven't got everything put away yet. I put my yarn away and my sewing machine put up but the computer and paper work all put away is still waiting on me. I guess I have all winter to get that done. At least that's what I tell myself.

The in-laws weren't able to make it for a visit this year. Dad wasn't in good enough health. But they are planning a visit first thing in the spring.

We made it through trick or treating in the cold. It stopped snowing for the night for the kiddies. So that was nice. Not many kids came through.

Well this was just to let everyone know I hadn't forgot ya. Hope you are all doing well.

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