Tuesday, September 11, 2018

So busy this summer.

 I have been so busy this summer. We have been out riding the Spyder and enjoying the ice cream stops we have been making. I never knew there were so many flavors of ice cream to be had. 
 We had some sadness this spring when we lost our male furbaby to heart problems. It was not something we even saw coming. So we were in no way prepared. It hit us had. 
We said no more furbabies after we had to say goodbye to him. 
 But as God would have it, we adopted another this August. He does have a way of showing you the doors are never closed fully. 
She is a Poodle/Bichon mix. She is being trained in a diaper right now. She was stuck in a box for 3 months since she was 8 weeks old and was never trained in any way. So it will take time to teach her things. She is doing well with the other 2 babies. She will go outside when you take her. But messes quite a bit in the house and won't tell you when she wants out. So the diaper keeps the house safe from her accidents. 
 This is Amara Nomro. She is such a little lover. 

 So how has your summer been for you?? Keeping you busy or just lazing around enjoying the days?
Which ever it has been I hope you are all doing well and just know that God is watching over you and keeping you safe. 
Love you all. 

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