Thursday, August 11, 2011

Want to lose your spare tire with just 2 exercises?

These 2 exercises will have you well winded at the end of doing these. But they will also help to rev up your metabolism. You can't beat that. 
They go like this--
You do 15 reps. of the kettle bell swing then go right into 15 reps. of squat thrusts. Then go back to 14 reps. of the kettle bell swing and onto 14 reps. of the squat thrusts and on down until you get to 1 of each. You will be working backward in reps. for each. That will give you a total reps. of 120 each or 240 for both. 
You will do them at a good pace and should be done in around 15 minutes. 
You might find that you can't finish and that's okay. Just start at a lower number and work up until you can finish. 
                            As in all exercises-- Don't over work yourself.
For the kettle bell swing--

For the squat thrust--

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